My baby is officially two. How did that happen? I love his guts! He's been so much fun. We had his birthday party, and since it was the same day as the superbowl we had a party for anyone who wanted to join. We are really lucky to have family drive at least an hour just to come to a two year olds party.
Rowdy was so surprised when we showed him the "Bob-Bob" (Sponge Bob) cake. He is a Sponge Bob nut. I'm not even sure how he got that way. But the cake was fitting.
I"ll share a little bit about Rowdy with you. He is a helper, and sometimes to much. He also is a huge fan of his "Daddeeee" He will do anything and everything the hubster does. He has this vaccuum and it really picks up dirt and things on the carpet. He loves helping and its good for him to be excited about chores since I know it won't last.
Rowdy is all cowboy and has been for quite some time. He has these silly pop guns that he has so much fun with. And ever since he got his first pair of cowboy boots he's not worn regular shoes a day since. He put the boots on over his footie jammies and will wear them to bed, he even wears them when he's wearing nothing else.
His little imagination is blossoming to. He's started to do silly little things like putting his bibs on backwards, he'll run and jump and look back to see if his "cape" is flappiing behind him. He also is using everything as a hat... Like laundry baskets, bowls, lids. Who says boys don't like dress-up.
He's no fashionista but he is pretty opinionated about his clothing choices. And I totally believe it's alright for me not to win this battle. He can win.
Rowdy's fovorite breakfast is eggs and toast, his favorite dinner is spaghetti, his favorite snack is apples. He LOVES milk so much that he alone drinks nearly four gallons a week. When he's a teenager I'm going to have to ration him. He loves eveything Toy Story or Sponge Bob. Rowdy always wants to be outside, he doesn't mind bundling up, and he'll stay out forever. Rowdy comes to our bed evry morning and snuggles. He give wide open mouth slobbery kisses.
Rowdy reminds me of everything that is right in the world. He is so innocent and sweet, and he gets so excited for new things. He really has a passion that reminds me life needs to be lived.
I'm so lucky to have him as a part of my family. We LOVE you Rowdy!!
What a cutie!!! I love having boys.
Ummm...Rowdy in cowboy boots and little else = adorable! He just makes me laugh!
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