Is it true french women don't shave their pits?
Last week was pretty stressful, we had a million plus doctors appointments for both of the boys, the hubster was getting ready to go to work and need all of his laundry clean, I had Rowdy's swim lessons twice a week, we just got back from an overnighter and I had the young men in the ward over for a cooking activity, and now that I think of it it may have been two weeks ago. But, what I'm getting at is that sometimes when you're a mom you and your priorities take the back seat.
This was one of those weeks. I shower every day and when we swim I shower after lessons in the locker room. And I don't shave in those showers because we are always just in a hurry and so we just shower to get clean.
I'm not sure how it happened but when Saturday morning I pulled off my top and got ready to get in the shower and Oh My Hell! I looked so beyond french. I was embarrassed for myself. My pits were so longs. YUCK!
I showered.
I shaved.
I got out and asked the hubster why on earth he didn't tell me about my pits joining the french revolution. He had some lame answer like "it didn't bother me, I like you whatever way you come."
I can assure you I have been paranoid about my pits ever since.
Hahahahaha! Hilarious--I've done this myself. I can't blame it on anything other than pushing snooze too many times before facing The Teenagers each day thus missing out on any shaving time I might have had. But it is rather frightening the day you look down and realize you've forgotten a wee little detail of showering way too many times.
The Hubster is a good man for not really caring about hairy pits. Really.
hahahaha I have to say I laughed out loud. It happens to all of us, except I don't have darling babies to blame it on. I can't help but giggle about the raunchy lady at the pool who probably noticed ;)
Three cheers Aaron for not caring. That is the right answer!
p.s. thanks for your call the other night. Sorry i missed it, I was in a movie. We really need to get together. I miss you!
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