Thursday, November 13, 2008

Shout Out! is the lucky recipient of my endorsement today.

I was an addict. I spent hours a day checking blogs and going back to blogs that hadn't been updated and waiting for the next fun post. Then quite a while back my friend Marissa put up a little blurb about google/reader and I thought I'd give it a try.

Here I am many moths later and I have to say it's freed up my time in the best of ways. I love just signing in and it lets check all my good friends (that means YOU) blogs.

Now I can stay on top of things around my house and I can do my hair and for the most part I don't neglect hose living beings in my home.

If you haven't signed up with or bloglines or something similar may I recommend it to you today!

PS. I'm not saying any of you have sunk to my level and let yourselves get addicted, I'm just saying give something new a try if you haven't already.


Marissa Vargason said...

woot woot!! Stacy you crack me up!!! doesnt it just make life so much easier? I mean seriously! I can be a mom again!!!! lol and your little guy is not little anymore :( boo he is so stinking cute!!! you guys need to come visit again lol. and your pups are so cute!!!!

Blackeyedsue said...

I have been using bloglines for ages. I should really send the inventor cookies!