Thursday, October 23, 2008

The tag of 8's

Shannon tagged me and normally I don’t play along in tags but as most of you can tell I haven’t had much blogging material.

8 Tv Shows I LOVE to watch:
1. Jon & Kate plus 8
2. Men in Trees
3. Law & Order SVU
4. Ellen
5. Lost
6. Grey’s Anatomy
7. Desperate Housewives
8. Dexter

8 Things That Happened Yesterday
1. I did loads and loads of laundry
2. I checked blogs
3. Vacuumed the stairs and the front room
4. Gave Scooter a bath
5. Talked on the phone to my aunt J
6. Got the mail
7. Blew my nose a ton (I have a bad cold/cough)
8. Took care of my baby

8 Things I'm Looking Forward to
1. My husbands schedule getting to be a schedule (it’s a long story)
2. Tally having her puppies
3. Not being sick
4. Getting my house all painted and decorated
5. Getting my lawn and front porch redone
6. A date with my husband without my baby
7. A weekend with my husband without my baby (any takers)
8. Shopping in Utah

8 Things on my Wishlist
1. An all wheel drive car
2. To kick this rotten cold/cough
3. A nice point and shoot camera so I don’t always have to carry my big bulky one around.
4. A new cell phone
5. A new kitchen
6. A new wardrobe
7. A maid
8. A chef

8 People I am Tagging!
1. Anyone who hasn’t gotten this tag yet

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I can't this weekend but any other I will take the Baby!!