Wednesday, February 3, 2010


My face looks like it did in highschool, and I'm very mad.

Not sure why but It's been awful since I quit nursing Dewy.

If your face looks like porcelain I'm pretty sure I don't want to stand next to you till my problem is fixed.

That's all!


Unknown said...

I have always had bad acne... I hate it. People think I am 17!!!

Shay said...

This pregnancy is completely ruining my skin. I just started using proactiv and my face is clearing up so well! My face still doesn't look like porcelain...but it's a work in progress. LOL. You should try it!

The Rookie said...

Me freaking too! And I didn't start/stop nursing anybody. My skin has just freaked out.

I am blaming it on the adolescents. I blame everything on the adolescents.

I feel your pain. And we need to hang out some time!