Thursday, February 18, 2010

One of many.

There is a reality that comes with motherhood. It's not always glorious, and sometimes you long for some serenity.

It really is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.

Gosh it must have been about a month or so ago.

I wasn't able to shower. It was a hard month, I cried a lot, and I laughed a lot
to keep myself from crying.

Rowdy was helping to intitiate me into being a mom of a toddler and he did it all within about a two week period.

I came out of the shower and this is what I found.

I took a few pictures.

Sent Rowdy to his bedroom.

Sent myself to my bedroom, so nobody would get hurt.

Pretty sure I cried.....Really hard.

Emerged from my bedroom and vaccuumed up this mess for the umpteeth time.

Now to Rowdy's credit he was in time out for almost a week straight. He's done a lot better since then. And so have I. This one was so hard for me. I literally couldn't leave him alone for more than three minutes, because some disasterous scale of a mess would occur. I really wanted to trade in the badges of motherhood that week.

We both learned a big lesson.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Yikes, glad you both survived on those rough days. Hang in there, you sound like you are doing great.

I love his big yellow truck and you have to admit, he is pretty darn handy with that shovel :)