Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dewy's issues.

When Dewy was little about two months old, he started doing this super excited shake. It was similar to a parkinsons tremor. He started doing it in small clusters, a few times a day, for a few days at a time. I asked his pediatrician about it at his six month appointment, and his super cool doctor doesn't rush to panic, so he thought it could be muscle spasms from his growing.

We were just there for his nine month check up. He did his little parkinsons shake, where his arms flail out and he shakes and gets a very serious determined look in his eyes. The doc was concerned they looked like petit mal siezures. So he sent us to Primary Childrens Medical Center. And reffered us to a pediatric neurologist. We are waiting for an appointment with them. In the meanwhile Dewy had an E.E.G. done.

There are 26 wires placed on his scalp. He was so good when they put them on him.

They wrapped the wires and we tried to keep him calm and still for a half an hour. He was so cute and he charmed the pants off the nurses.

It was a really positive experience and I was very impressed by the staff. But what mom doesn't love it when people love their babies?


flarffy2000 said...

What a sweet little guy!

Blackeyedsue said...

Could he be any cuter! I love the bottom picture where he's looking at you like "Mom, I don't know why we are doing this, but I love you and I'll be cool, K."

Loves to you sis. Everything will work out like it should.

Melissa said...

I think my little Josh has had about 4 EEG's now. The staff in the EEG department are awesome!! I hope you get some answers soon. What neurologist are you seeing?? We love ours.

The Rookie said...

Is it wrong that I think he's adorable with the gauze cap? I need to come love on him too!

Unknown said...

oh man I hope he is ok. He is sooooo stinkin cute:}
Love You Stacey...special prayers for Dewey;)

Lindsay said...

Ah poor little thing! Hope everything turns out ok =)