I'm honestly surprised I'm back this quick! At our house we've been figuring out our new normal. Which not surprisingly consist of lots of jammie time. The boys both are in jammies way more than they should be, but they're fed, healthy and happy. That's what counts right? Please tell me that's what counts.
I think these three are going to be quite the trio. For the most part they are all adjusting well to each other.
We've been figuring out how to balance out our new additon. We are getting pretty good at it.
We've also been taking pictures of Colt for his birth announcement. Turns out he's not that photogenic. I'm pretty sure I won't be using this one.
Or this one. Well maybe when he's old enough to blackmail.
Other than that we've just been chillaxin' round these parts.
P.S. If I don't have your address email it to me and I'll be sure to send you a birth announcement. (cliffhangerse1188@msn.com) Thanks!
Oh my gosh, that balancing picture makes me so nervous just looking at it! I love those two baby pictures, they are hilarious, I think you should just use those. He is such a cutie, congrats!
Boy are your boys cute! Glad things are settlin' in :)
I laughed so hard and baby Colt's pictures. Hilarious.
Oh those pics of that baby are HIL-arious! He has your sense of humor already!
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