In honor of my 100th post, you get to learn 100 random things about me.
Warning <<<>>> It's a long one.
1. I love fish and chips. Don’t underestimate this. I whine to the hubster that he doesn’t take me to fish and chips often enough. Like it’s his soul responsibility to make sure I get taken to fish and chips.
2. My toenails should always require polish. Or a fresh pedicure.
3. I really wish I had a maid
4. I change my mind constantly, this drives my hubster nuts.
5. I only have nieces, and I think they are all beautiful.
6. I’m living in a place I never thought I would live.
7. A few years ago I really made fun of blogs and bloggers.
8. Now I am one, and when I get an urge I’m a really good one.
9. My kid brother is going on an LDS mission this summer, it makes me sad he'll be gone even though it should be a good thing.
10. My dream job is to be a white-water river-raft guide.
11. I love rivers.
12. I’m ¾ hippie at heart.
13. I think dreadlocks are beautiful. I’d love to have them now. I gt them after highschool.
14. I just don’t think it’d go over well when I take my kids to school, and I don’t want them to be judged because their mom is different.
15. Grape Gatorade is my favorite drink.
16. Some days I feel like I’m not as exciting as I used to be, that scares me.
17. My hubster is my best friend.
18. I don’t like conforming. To anything.
19. That’s why you’ll never see the usual blog lingo here, like DH, MIL, BIL, DD, DS. Not going to do it. But, I don’t think it’s wrong when I see it on others blogs
20. I wish I could be outside all the time. Good weather permitting of course.
21. I think its dangerous to be extreme in any area of your life. Medicine, school, work, religion, politics, diet, exercise, hobbies.
22. You don’t have to ever agree with me, but please respect that I don’t have to agree with you.
23. Being a mom has taught me a few things never to do. Don’t comment on the way people parent, just think it to yourself. Don’t brag about your child, because no matter how much you love them we all know they are still a kid and they aren’t perfect, so its pointless to brag.
24. And one thing to always do. Do offer your help whenever you see a mom look like she could use a hand.
25. My hubster is an old soul. I sometimes love it and sometimes loathe it.
26. When people tell me what to do, I secretly put them on a list of people who think they can tell me what to do, then it takes a long time for me to take them off that list.
27. It bothers me when people think they know me really well. Because I feel like they only know the Stacy they want to know and not the other pieces of me.
28. I have 7 sisters-in-law.
29. Only two of them make any effort to talk on the phone with me or text or email. I’m not gonna lie they’re my favorites.
30. I think it’s funny when I fart. It’s gross when the hubster farts though.
31. Living away from my family is the absolute hardest thing I have ever done.
32. I got postpartum depression when my baby was a month and a half old. I tok care of it and my little family survived.
33. I’d like to ask Heavenly Father why that has to be a part of anyone’s existence. Especially mine.
34. Yummo- to McDonald’s ice cream cones.
35. My hubster doesn’t share, not with me and not with my baby. Nope he likes his ice cream and candy all to himself.
36. I share. I was told better.
37. I like to always have a drink when I’m driving.
38. I probably should feel bad about the way Tally came to be a part of my family. But, I have no regrets. I'd do it again in a heart beat.
39. I love Tivo or DVR, they both make life just a bit nicer.
40. I enjoy hanging out with my parents. Double dating. Evenings juast hanging out.
41. My sisters are good examples to me.
42. I’m a bad phone caller; I really don’t call that many people. It’s not that I don’t want t talk I just always put it off. Don't take it personal.
43. I am a much better texter.
44. I really lack organization.
45. At some point in my life I’d like to own a golden retriever and an English bulldog.
46. I could eat green beans every day with my dinner.
47. Rocking babies is one thing I truly love.
48. One of my quirks is I get really uneasy when it come to talking about finances. Whether it be mine or someone else’s. For whatever reason it makes me uncomfortable.
49. Spring, summer, and fall are my favorite seasons.
50. I’m half way through this “100 random things about me” If you think I’m going to this for 200 you’re crazy.
51. I’m being honest here; I think my baby has an eating disorder. He’s never full, and he’s always hungry.
52. I like my milk to be 1% and icy cold.
53. I’m an addict to shoes, facebook (we call it crackbook round these parts), and checking blogs. Oh yeah and Starbuck’s.
54. I have Photoshop elements and I have no clue how to use it. It not only frustrates me, it downright pisses me off.
55. I am not even remotely the same person I was in high school. I've grown and changed. I think I'm nicer.
56. I’ve woken up in the outdoors with a horse’s nose in my face, he was standing over me. I’ve woken up in the middle of the night with raccoons climbing on my sleeping bag, and fighting by my bed. I’ve also had mice; at least I think they were mice crawl over my face while I was sleeping. I’ve slept in the outdoors a lot.
57. I met my biological grandfather a few years ago for the first time before he passed away. He was tall, dark and handsome.
58. The hubster and I have jumped on every opportunity that has crossed our paths. With the exception of one. He was offered a cattle ranching job in South Dakota, which came with a new pick-up, a $100,000 dollar sign on bonus and property to build a house on. I think we both occasionally regret not doing it.
59. I watch rated R movies.
60. Another dream job I have would be to be a baker, make wedding cakes, and pastries, all the sweet stuff, just not breads. But It’s to much work for my lazy bones, it’ll never happen.
61. I have a slight crush on Duff Goldman, from ace of cakes. We would so be cronies.
62. I don’t like it when people think being a republican and a Mormon go hand in hand. It makes me sad. And I think they are slightly bigoted.
63. I’m not affiliated with any political party, I like it that way.
64. Somebody stole sixty dollars of my babysitting money from my locker in the seventh grade. Why was I stupid enough to take sixty dollars with me to junior high?
65. List making is a chronic part of my life.
66. I lack decorating skills.
67. I enjoy sewing but rarely find or have the time.
68. I don’t understand people who say they are just not animal people. Be a dog person or a cat person but just please be an animal person. People like Jeffrey Dahmer(?) and Ted Bundy weren’t animal people. Get your kids a pet. It makes the world a better place.
69. I make everyone shower/bathe before bed, I’m weird I don’t like anyone getting under the covers with all the days germs and dirt. Including myself.
70. I loved college.
71. I loathed all mandatory education from the fourth grade on. I merely went because my mom made me and I wasn’t old enough to sign myself out. I graduated when I was 17.
72. I have P.C.O.S. Poly cystic ovarian syndrome. I’ve probably had it since puberty, but I wasn’t made aware of it until I started trying to get pregnant the first time. I have very severe hormonal imbalances with my case of P.C.O.S. I had a lot of signs and symptoms that I had it for a long time just not a doctor who was on the ball enough to put two and two together. I don’t mind talking about it.
73. My hubster is very much a man’s man. Most days I love that about him. He’s a meat and potatoes, pick-up driving, animal hunting, T-shirt and jeans wearing, tool using, hard working kind of a guy.
74. When I want to eat Italian or have deep conversations, or go somewhere fancy, all my liking that goes right out the window and I wish he’d have just a fraction of metro sexuality.
75. I am so the opposite of a perfectionist. It's a goal in my life. I suffer from the middle child-only child-oldest child syndrome, it's complicated but true.
76. In all the personality tests I’ve ever taken, and I’ve taken a lot I’m always orange or yellow. I’m the more irresponsible outgoing color. I’ve come to embrace this. My hubster is always the introverted power color.
77. I’m really not quite sure how we ever fell for each other; we are pretty much opposite in every aspect. We’re still in love.
78. I feel like it’s okay to be wrong or sorry, hence I’m often wrong or sorry. I admit to them both quite often.
79. I think about animal rights way to much, I get very heated about it. More so than abortion or gay marriage or tax hikes. Yeah, I’m me.
80. I live in the least green state in the nation. Or least Eco-friendly.
Funny, most people round these parts are quite proud of that.
81. The hubster is absolutely anti-green. He drives two pick-ups that get horrible gas mileage, and he lets them idle just to tease me.
82. I loved hanging my clothes out on a clothes line to dry. They always smelled so fresh and my whites were never brighter. I wish I still had a clothes line.
83. I have a tv in my bedroom. This is taboo with some people. Not me. I often fold clothes in my bedroom and I go to bed alone a lot, so I like having a tv in there for the noise. Judge me not.
84. I have a guest bedroom and it doesn’t have a dresser or anywhere for my guests to let themselves settle into. Because I want them to stay just that….Guests.
85. I’m getting a boob reduction. I made the hubster promise me that cosmetic
surgery would never be off limits before we got married. He gets sad when I talk about it.
86. I’ve never had stitches.
87. I love my mom’s cooking more than anyone else’s cooking on the planet. It’s pretty much anything she cooks to.
88. Bland food makes me sad.
89. It BoThErS Me WhEn PeOpLe Do ThIs. It’s not cute!
90. I wish people wouldn’t have private blogs. I understand why they are there. It’s just frustrating when you’re looking for people and you find their blog only to find out its private.
91. I love sending flowers and getting flowers.
92. My hubster and I don’t play games together well, we are to competitive, we could dang near get divorced over cards or board games. Much like doing our taxes. Some things we just can’t do together.
93. Giving advice is scary for me. I’m only speaking from my experience and I really don’t want to screw anybody over. I really stress about it.
94. I like sex. Most people aren’t very open about this but it’s a big part of my life and quite frankly it’s a nice part of my life. I think people who are taboo about sex are not comfortable with themselves. I don’t understand it. A good healthy sex life is nothing to be ashamed of.
95. I think fighting in a marriage is healthy. If you never fight with one another then one of you is always lying or holding back on your feelings. It’s a part of marriage that is necessary. And look at the bright side when your done you can have make-up sex.
96. There I go giving out marital advice, take it at your own risk.
97. Going out to eat, specifically lunch is one of my favorite pastimes. Call me next time you feel like lunch.
98. I have an passion for cherry coke, chocolate milk, bridge mix, and chips ahoy. I blame my dad.
99. All of my fingers are double jointed.
100. Quite frankly, I'd rather post pictures than type this much.....Ever.
You forgot the "baby-of-the-family" part of that syndrome. It makes it even more complicated!
This is a fun read. Slap me next time I comment on parenting, k.
I enjoyed this post. I learned a lot about you and I agree with a lot of what you said.
I like you even more now.
I like these kinds of posts. I learn so much.
So about that guest bedroom...can I come sleep in it? I'm totally cool leaving my crap in a bag :)
I made it through and must say I always knew I liked you. I too loved dread locks at one time (and wanted them, though never dared go for it). I think the problem is that they can go very, very wrong (like only three dread locks total). And my head would itch. I just like washing my hair. It is a blissful experience.
That was awesome and funny!!! Thanks for sharing!
I love your posts they are so fun to read.
I don't even know where to start on the comments because I was laughing my butt off through the whole darn thing. You are awesome! If I commented on every item that I agree with or loved, you would have 100 comments from me. So thanks for the awesome post! It was very good and very entertaining!
Just stopped by-so glad that I did. Very interesting and honest. I like that.
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