Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Battle Of The Beds

What your looking at here is our own little domestic terrorist. All 13 pounds of her.

When Red comes home from work everyone is drawn to him, we all fight for his attention and affection, he has some mighty big shoes to fill. Well this last week Red was home for his whole week off, he hasn't had his time off since January, we all felt neglected.

Anyhow, have I ever told you he is Tally's person? Well he is without a doubt. So much so that she smothers him when he's home. She appoints herself to be in his lap whenever she can, she goes into the bathroom and patiently waits on the floor till he's done doing whatever bathroom business he needed to do. She sneaks into his truck when they are outside, and she works with him around the house wherever he is working at. In a sense she's his shadow. She turns into this love-sick puppy and lives and breathes for him.

Her dog bed is on the same side of the bed that Red sleeps on. When he's home, she waits until he start to breath heavy and jumps on the bed and curls up in the small of his back, or the curve in his legs. To many times to count Red has woken up stiff or with a sore back because of her.

This last week she earned the nickname Tally-Ban, and was coined the domestic terrorist. She has persistence, I woke up probably eight time for five nights in a row when she'd jump up and Red would wake up and make her get down. He made it his mission to keep her off the bed

Her persistence paid off, she was on his side of the bed every morning! And Red was curled around her.

You gotta hand it to her, she has determination that most humans don't.

The best part is it's so funny to me, because when it's just me at home we all sleep in our own beds and nobody is bothered all night long.

1 comment:

Trinity said...

That is so funny and us Powell's can relate. However, Moka is my shadow and on my heels and lap 24/7. And when Andrew is not in the bed Moka sleeps on his side and hardly ever bothers me, but when Andrew is in the bed she bugs. She has to be on top of him or cuddled behind his legs.