Sunday, February 22, 2009


Pay no attention to the cottage cheese in the boys thighs, I have absolutely no clue which of his parents he inherited that from. I have never ever seen that before. If you say it might be me, I'd deny it.

In honor of my baby being a year I'm going to tell you all about him.

Rowdy weighs 22 lbs, he is 31 inches long. He's a dang big boy. He's taller than nine out of ten boys his age.

He currently has 8 teeth and he's had two haircuts, he's still bald. Not scruffy, just bald.

He crawls over everything, pulls himself up on everything, and gets into everything. He is terrified of standing on his own and even more scared of the thought of walking. He's pretty tender if he falls he needs reassurance and a little love. He's figured out how to go up and down the stairs, he goes down them in the most complicated way, but he figured it out on his own and it works for him. Maybe a preshow of his future, I'm not sure. He is really good at finding ways to entertain himself, He empties all the baskets and drawers that he can open. He loves opening and shutting all the doors in the house by using the doorstop on the bottom.

The words he says are Stacy, dadda, Tally, Scooter, Hello, up, down, don't, ball, bath, more, and all done.

His favorite games are peek-a-boo, and patty cake. He loves wheels and balls. His favorite snack is fruit, and crackers. He is a very good eater and will try everything. Food is his most happy place. He loves to take off his shoes, and loves putting on his daddy's hat. He loves playing with the remote and mommy's cell phone.

Rowdy has figured out how to play tug-of-war with Tally and loves to play with her all day whether she wants to play or not. She is his little buddy. Rowdy is also figuring out how to feed himself with a spoon and a fork. He's still a little clumsy with it but he's pretty determined to get it.

Rowdy has been the greatest addition to our family. He knows how to make everyone in our house perk up. I'm so proud of him for trying new things and getting braver every day. I love him more than my words can describe.


Alice said...

He is becoming such a big boy. I love the picture of him. Too perfect.

Happy Birthday kiddo!

Chips and Salsa with Beans said...

I can't belive you have a 1 year old...and another on the way! What are you going to name your new baby? I work with a lady that has a son named Dare. I totally thought of you. Perfect, no?