Wednesday, January 28, 2009

And life looks good

I'm not sure what lesson if not several I was supposed to learn yesterday, but I'll continue to learn them I'm sure.

After I posted the city workers came by and told me my car was in the way of the plow, I explained why it was there, and that I couldn't move it. The worker listened and informed me that I had 24 hours to take care of this. As you can imagine, this was just one mre reason to cry.

I called Red and left him some messages. He works with explosives so he has to keep his phone off a lot. And then I prayed, I prayed good and hard.

Later last night my Mom called after my sister read my post to her. She was going to be bring me money after she got done working. My sister was going to bring me a few groceries in the mid-morning, and between the two of them things were loking up for me and my sorry self.

The phone rang and it was our home-teacher. He'd called Red knowing it was his week off, to see when would be a good time to give a lesson. Red was on the ball enough to say "We don't really need a lesson, but we could use a favor and a gallon of milk." He explained the situation, and Brother Howell was right on top of things. His wife was running a few errands and would be back at eight with some milk and then he was going to come over.

Eight'o'clock came, so did he with the Elder's Quorum president who lives at the end of the block. And he brought me a gallon of milk. They worked my car out from where it was.

At 10:30 p.m. Red called and was coming home, for who knows how long, but long enough to help out. He carries cash and he has a work truck that he can use for private use, so he'll be able t get me to my credit union today.

Anyways I'm grateful Heavenly Father answers my prayers, I'm also grateful for my good family and ward members who made me feel better about life last night. I am grateful to know I'm never alone. Most of all I'm grateful for the good days!


Ashley said...

I am so glad everything worked out for you! I know the feeling of being alone and completely helpless. Thank goodness for family and the church! You will definitely look back on this and laugh.

Eldredge Fam. said...

See, Heavenly Father won't let you go too long without some helping hands. :) What a testimony strengthener.

Lindsay said...

I'm glad everything worked out for you.... That's a stressful situation!

Amber said...

Hey there, glad everything worked out for you!
I have questions for you about your dog and puppies. We have a basset hound that's about to give birth. I was also wondering if you live close by?
Send me an email sometime...
Oh, and I'm on facebook too.
Amber Davis Payne

Trinity said...

I am so glad it all worked out. That is what I love Heavenly Father allows us to have trials to make us better and stronger people. No matter how hard it gets or how alone we feel I love that WE KNOW we are never alone. He will never give us more then we can handle, but sometimes it sure gets close to that point. I am grateful you relied on the Lord and that others listened to the still small voice and came to help.

The Rookie said...

Oh, Spoonsy! I'm so glad people came to your rescue. It is reassuring to know you are loved and cared for and that prayers really do work.

How many gallons of milk are you up to now?

Heidi said...

I am glad things worked out for you and your family. I felt so bad for you. I hope things go better for you in the weeks to come. Your son is so cute. I love the picture of him and Red.