Sunday, September 14, 2008

Quick Little Update.

I made it. Wheww!

I think I'm mostly all the way settled into my new home, and it's starting to feel like home. Let me just say, "I hate moving" Really, I do. Packing, unpacking, living out of boxes, setting everything up. It's so unpleasant. Anyway, I survived.

I've met a few of my neighbors, they all seem pretty nice. To tell you the truth this place isn't so bad. I've seen some women who have hair that's actually pretty flat, and to date I've only maybe seen a dozen mullets! Pretty impressive. The hardest part or me here is getting oriented. North, South, East, West, who can tell? Not me!I think I might even take you all on a tour of my new home. Check back soon I'll try to start tomorrow. Just don't look to close. Cowboy will have been home for over 24 hours by then so it might not be as pretty as when he is away.

See you soon, I promise! I have some major making up to do.....


Blackeyedsue said...

Um, yeah you have some making up. Rowdy is 7 months old!!!

Eldredge Fam. said...

I have to agree with the moving thing. I am totally disorientated with the directions too, I have no mtns to orient myself. ARGH! I'm sure that's how you're feeling too.

I look forward to more pictures and updates. :)