Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Insomnia and Rambling

So I am sitting here at the computer and everyone in my house is asleep except for me, I am really enjoying this alone time not feeding, entertaining, or cleaning up after anyone. I can't sleep, and I haven't been able to sleep for quite some time now. I've turned into one of those crazy insomniac people. Well....except for the "crazy" part.

My problem might be because I am moving over the next month. This will be the fourth move in four four years for our little family. My mind brings this little subject up front and center every time it is time to fall asleep, so here I am doing whatever I can to avoid thinking about changing wards and packing and unpacking and rearranging furniture and sentences with to many "ands" and not enough commas.

This place where we are moving is only three miles from Cowboys work, which is so much better than the eighty-some-odd mile we live away from his work right now. It's also going to be hunting heaven for him. you can have a deer and an elk tag at the same time, and hunt for them at the same time as well. If you're an avid hunter then where we are moving is a very special place! The entire population of the the state is 500,000 people, the deer, elk and antelope population is 700,000. We are going to have a very tall staircase where Cowboy will want to hang a very dead caribou head with very big, very dead antlers. I will want to hide that trophy in the basement. Don't tell him I said that.

I'm a bit nervous, most of the women in the area where I am moving have hair bigger than I've ever seen, and I have seen some very big hair. I also have all of my teeth and no tattoos. Yikes! I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb. There are no craft stores and I will have to make a commute to do any department store shopping. And good hell, they don't even have any chain restaurants. How can I move to a place where the local demolition derby has more food choices than the town itself.

Now, I know I have a little bit of redneck and maybe a dash of white trash in me, but I just don't think I'm going to feel at home for quite some time. The hardest part for me is this isn't like I'm going to be moving away for a few years and then coming back, I'm moving away and every time I come back I will be visiting. I won't be a spur of the moment, drop by unannounced visitor anymore. I'm going to have to plan, and maybe even plan in advance.

Come September you may notice my blog could very well turn into a roller coaster of my emotions. I'm glad I got this all off my chest for the night. I feel better . Thanks for not judging me. Amen.


Blackeyedsue said...

I love you.

And I am just sick that you are moving.

Ashley said...

It's crazy that both of us are moving places that are opposite of what we group up around and very opposite of each other.

It's going to be so hard to be away from our friends and family!

I can't believe there isn't any craft stores. You will just have to stock up on some fun projects to keep you busy.

Good luck!

Marissa Vargason said...

Awe Stacy, where are you moving? I think a lot of people are moving out of utah, there are not many jobs available right now ugh, we are even considering it. Good luck and I second a pp definitely stock up on the crafts and ugh no chilis? Waaahhh. Keep in touch for sure and I hope that you come stop by to get pictures of Rowdy when you visit, he is an absolutely adorable boy! Good luck guys!!

Alice said...

I am sorry Spoons...that is the pits. But the adventure will be fun. We will be sure to come up and visit and you will have to come down so we have somewhere normal to eat :)

You can do it Brucie!

The Rookie said...

Spoonsy--we will come visit you! I swear promise. I'll even do my hair bigger (heaven knows it has the potential) so I can fit in with the locals.

Being away from home can really stink. Being somewhere entirely new (i.e. foreign and scary) can totally suck. You can do this, though. In no time it will feel like home.

And Cowboy is going to be around more often--you'll actually feel married again! ;)