Some of my best summer memories are of girls camp!! Loved it as a young woman, and now I get to be the leader. Yay! I absolutely love the girls in the ward. So fun...
Anyways, I'll get to business. The girls had a fashion show with paper bags and anything from nature and a few feet of twine. Pretty creative don't you think?
We pampered the girls with egg white, and oatmeal facials, and I got the best blackmail pictures ever!! Looks like I will have babysitters at my beck and call!
We went on the most beautiful hike, we could see all of the neighboring town, and all of the valley. We had some real testimony building experiences on top of the mountain.
Have I mentioned that I love to hike? Oh, I love to hike!
Cowboy and Rowdy came along for the fun. Aunt Patsy lives just a ways away from where camp was at. She watched Rowdy, and she saved my bacon!! With him, I would have never made it to enjoy this beautiful view.
What are your favorite emeoies from Young Womens Camp? Do share.
I have so many fun memories I don't think that I could list them all. I can say that most of them involve at least one member of you family. We had such a great bond as a ward YW. I didn't realize it until I came to Texas and it just wasn't the same.
Here's a funny memory:
When I was a third year, we went on a hike to the "lone pine tree." It was seriously the only tree on the top of this mountain. Well a big thunderstorm came in and there was lightning all around. The dippy leaders told us to get under a tree...Uh, WHATEVER! You don't have to be a brainiac to know you don't get under a tree in a lightning storm - especially when it is the ONLY one up there! Hehehehe. But I love thunderstorms, so that was one of my favorite memories.
Great pictures! I'm so glad you were able to go!
"Can't we just call the Priesthood?"
nuff said :)
Since Alice stole my memory of our leadership days...I will just say that my own personal hell was being stuck in a canoe in the middle of Causey Dam on a very windy day with a weak little Beehive version of you and a bossy Laurel version of your sister Heidi.
Heidi: "ROW HARDER!"
Stacey (near tears): "I am!"
And then our YW president's husband dumped us in the stagnant algae-water. Do you remember that!?!
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