Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tribute: To The Cranky Bottom Boys

Cowboy, I'm sorry you had such a long day at work. I know your tired and hungry and cranky. I wish I could help you. I love you anyways.

Lil' Buckaroo, I love you and I feed you and I rock you to sleep, and when you wake up I understand that you are often times ready for a new face or someone different than me. I wish I could help you. I love you anyways.

Cranky bottom boys, I sure do wish that you both could get the sleep you need and wake up happy and sweet.

Aaahhh!! But I have found the answer. You both must take a nap together, this is mandatory, and I will go file my finger nails, and mask my face, and shave my legs and feel like a woman for a moment in time.

Thank you for being so willing to do as I command. Now if only you two can return the favor and make me take a mandatory nap someday I would be much obliged!

1 comment:

Blackeyedsue said...

You are a natural. Yelling at your kids (and hubby) and sending them all to bed is like climbing to a new level of motherhood.