Thursday, May 1, 2008

I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again....So, i'll leave you with some random tidbits.

-This is how my baby is when he is awake, he usually has his mouth open and his toungue goes in and out like a lizard.

-He has pooped eight times in the last three days and i hav changed seven out of eight.

-I wonder what color his eyes will be, any ideas?

-I love a good fart! I always have and I always will.

-I spy with my little eye...... lassie in the tall branches of this tree!

-When I think of Dr. Pepper, I think YUMMO. Rock on Dr.Pepper lovers, Rock On!

-This is Cowboys goat, his name is Titus

-My car just went to Subaru Heaven, I had her for one month. Sad.

-This is my goat. his name is Senior Jorge The Mexican.

-I have followed a daytime soap opera for as long as I can remember, only my closest friends and family know this about me, and I will never reveal which one because I am deeply ashamed. If you ask me about it I will agree with you about how trashy daytime tv is and I will deny watching a soap till the day I die.

-I recently started taking Buckaroo for a walk every day...I know, I should have started exercising about a month ago.

-Posting three times in one day is a record for me.

-This is my first car wreck, my neck and back still haven't recovered.

-I love gas station nachos with extra jalepenos

-This was "Lassie" When she was a puppy, she is the best dog!

-I love pedicures

-"Lassie" really loves our baby.

-I say live, and let live.

-These three ladies are usually waiting for us every day when we go out for our walk.

-I am a chronic list maker.

-Look close, these two moms each have two nursing babies, I thought I had it bad.

-I just discovered I love nursing, I have even pondered the thought of nursing buckaroo until I get pregnant with another baby. That freaked Cowboy right out.

-Sometimes I think "Why Organic?" I want pesticides and I want preservatives and I want everything that doesn't have anything to do with wholesome goodness!

-Alrighty I will be back in just over a week, I will miss you all and I can't wait to catch up. Take care and ciao.


Kellie said...

What happened to your car? I'm glad you love nursing! I do too! I also love pedicures thanks to you! Have fun wherever you're going!

Ashley said...

What happened to your car? Hope you feel better! Lil Buckaroo is so cute. I love when they find their tongue.

I also love nursing. It is a special bond! Hope you have fun wherever you are goig. Take lots of picturs to show us!

Bilary said...

Okay, I shouldn't admit this, but I loved the fart comment. I was raised in a home with a mom who did NOT see the humor in them and a dad who LOVED them. So I learned the humor in them from him, and they are even funnier when they offend someone!:) Why do you think I LOVE whoopie cushions and those Flarp goopy things you stick your hand in and it makes a FANTASTIC sound! Lana follows me all around the house sticking her little hand in the Flarp stuff saying that I farted. I think it is hilarious!

I even joked with your sister that on my blog for my happy thought of the day I was going to put simply "Farts." Something about even that word is hilarious...Okay enough about farts.

Blackeyedsue said...

I wanted to tell you "have fun" but inside I was thinking..."I am so jealous that I want to wish a sunburn on you". Good thing I am not into voodoo.

I am sorry about little blue. That sucks. Your in-laws were so nice to take care of it the way they did. Phew.

I figure the preservatives are only keeping me alive longer.

I can't wait to hear all about your island vay-cay.

Alice said...

ok spoonsy, you are back now. Lets hear about it. I miss you! We need to get together.