Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Flood Irrigating

Out here in the sticks, sprinkler systems aren't all that common, no matter how much you wish they were. Secondary water is outrageously priced. Where I live water is gold. On Sunday we got to skip church because we had a "water turn." We get the privilege of flood irrigating. It's a pain sometimes and fun sometimes too.

We have a big pipe in the front yard, and we have to connect this plastic pipe to it, then we move the pipe to the part of the lawn where we want the water to go. It's kind of a quick process but definitely a two person job.

Cowboy has the water pipe watering the corner of the lawn and he will remove the section in a bit and direct the water to another corner of the lawn.

The object is to flood your yard entirely so that you won't have to do it again for another week. It gets pretty deep, and the grass will bubble where the lawn really needs it.

We would be fools to wear anything but flipflops!

Irrigating is a family affair at our house, it really is pretty fun, if you ever want to bring your kiddos to play its better than sprinklers!

I'll let you know when we get a water share at a descent time and not 4a.m. Those are never that fun, not even for us!


Alice said...

What a pain, but it looks kind of fun. As you obviously know my grandparents water like that and I always thought it was cool.

Gayle said...

I have been searching the internet trying to find out how to set up my property for flood irrigation. Like you, I have a big pipe that opens up onto my front yard from the street. The first and only time we tried to use the water it was a nightmare. Water was gushing out like a broken fire hydrant ...but only going to one spot on one side of the yard. You say that you had to attach some kind of plastic tubing or pipe to the main pipe? And then move it around your yard? Could you tell me more about that? Any advise/input you might have will be greatly appreciated.