Wednesday, May 21, 2008

3 Months!!

This is a pretty late entry, don't hold it against me. My baby is three months and its killing me. I feel like time is going by so fast. Buckaroo has really opened his eyes this last month and is alert for such a long time. Food is his biggest comfort. He started smiling and trying to talk, his talking is a bit more like squeaking.

His little fists are starting to unclench. he opens and shuts them all day long. He is so funny with his tongue in, out, in, out.....just like a lizard. He is getting better at finding his thumb, fingers, or the back of his hand when he wants something to suck on.

He is wearing 0-3 month clothes and right at the first of the month he made the transition to size 1 diapers. he could still fit in the newborns, but I am sick of buying him diapers and we got so many size 1's for shower gifts I decided to put those to use.

Buckaroo started sleeping through the night and we are a much happier family.

Sweet Boy!! I can't believe you are growing up so fast. I love you and I want you to be my baby forever. You have opened my eyes in ways I can't believe, You're our little miracle baby, and your worth everything it took to get you here. I love you baby buckaroo!


The Rookie said...

Cute cute cute cute cute! I just want to hold that sweet boy before he gets too big!

Welcome back to the blogging world, we've missed you!

Oh, and sorry about your tree. :(

Ashley said...

I'm glad he is sleeping through the night. It makes a world of difference! He is so adorable. I too want to hold him again!

Blackeyedsue said...

I love that boy. I am glad you had him.