Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Buckaroo is 2 Months

I can hardly believe it!! This snuggly baby is already two months! Alrighty, he was technically two months on Monday, but who's counting days?

He has become so alert and bright eyed. He goes cross-eyed trying to focus on things. He is so sweet!

He is still in newborn diapers, he has been in 0-3 month clothes for about two weeks, he still fits in newborn onesies though. He is so cuddly and loves being held. He will eat whatever you give to him whether it be formula, water, the boob whatever, he has hollow little legs! He liked hid bath water to be on the hotter side of warm. and he hates getting all lotioned and powdered up afterwards. Reminds me of his Dad.

He's so funny when he is awake and alert, he just watches and observes, and he sticks his little tongue out over and over.

He's so sweet, and I love having him in our little family. He lights up our days and calms us at night. He is so perfect for us. I love him more ad more every day.


Ashley said...

He is so cute! I can't believe how little he still is. It's so fun to watch them grow!

Loving The Chaos said...

What a cutie! You look good too! :)

Heidi said...

What a cute baby. I love to watch babies grow.

Bilary said...

Oh my heck he is cute! That second picture is absolutely adorable. And I love the one with you as well. Babies are wonderful!!! You make darling ones! :)

Blackeyedsue said...

I just love him.


The Rookie said...

He. Is. Beautiful.

I know you're not supposed to call boys "beautiful"...but he is. And look at how big he is getting! When did that happen? We need to come visit and hold him before he's driving.

Kellie said...

He's so dang cute! I love the picture of you and him together! I'm glad I finally got to see you and him! It was so fun to chat! Call us for dinner!

Chips and Salsa with Beans said...

What a cutie patootie!