Monday, March 3, 2008

My little mystery

Today there is something I just can't figure out...

I am just in awe at how this sweet, innocent, little, and beautiful baby can make me so tired and exhausted. The last few days lil' buckaroo has gotten the better of me. I swear it the little creature has all but schooled me into thinking he is a sweet baby. Don't get me wrong, I do love him. It just remains a mystery to me.

Maybe just maybe he will sleep like this for more than one hour.

Hope so!


The Rookie said...

He. Is. So. Cute. Sorry about the sleeping, or lack thereof!

Monkey Fingers and Toes said...

Remember, IT GETS EASIER. Just remeber, that when he worn you out, you can always call us. Love ya.

Blackeyedsue said...

Seriously, if you get too exhausted, I have a nice quiet bed in the basement and two magic boobies. Squishy can share (some think that is gross, but when you need your sleep and your sister has more than enough to go around and your baby doesn't love a bottle...I'm just sayin').

It reallly does get better. You are just at a difficult stage. You are such a good mom. Don't forget that!

My girls were just looking at his picture and saying that they want to hold him. I have lots and lots of mothers at my house.

Bilary said...

He is so sweet! I love newborn pictures!

I think you may have found the magic way to let him sleep too. All but one of my kids did better sleeping on their tummies as newborns. I know it is a big "no-no" but i figure that if I can see them and there aren't pillows in their faces (duh), then all is good!

Heidi said...

Don't worry it does get better. He is a darling baby and it sounds like you have more than enough people willing to help out. And one day you will miss all the time you get to spend with him. I am not saying you will miss your lack of sleep just the time you get to hold him. One day he will be moving all over the place and he will not want to slow down for anything.

Ashley said...

That is the best picture! He is so sweet. It is so hard when you don't get much sleep. Especially when you are doing mostly alone. I am still tired! Hang in there! :)

Kellie said...

Hey, you need to take your sister up on her offer! She has EVERYTHING you need! That's awesome! I hope you get some sleep soon! These little babes are a lot of work huh?