Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Another Baby Update

So, I promised Cowboy I would try to post as often as I can (about lil' buckaroo...he wants to see as much of him as he can, and quite frankly so do I)), because you know, I have a boatload of free time on my hands. So when I was done feeding the goats, and the dogs, and the stray cats, and myself, and buckaroo I found the time to put up a post.

I spy with my little eye...Something missing....

That's right, no umbilical cord!! It fell of when lil' buckaroo was 11 days old. Good thing, it really creeped me out. If you look close he has a super deep belly button, just like me, and all of my sisters! Really it like a cavernous pit, your lucky to ever be able to see the back side. (think energizer bunny, it keeps going, and going)

now you know all about my belly button, as well as my sisters...hhmmm

I stressed him out enough he found his thumb. What a comforting thumb it is too.

We are working on the whole binky thing. Heaven help us, and let this work. He really was only posing for this picture, so I can't black mail him later when he brings home a girl to have his children and be his wife and I talk her out of having his children, because who wants children who don't take binkies. Don't be fooled, he is simply not interested.

The thumb is so much better/cuter, anyways.


Blackeyedsue said...

He is SO cute! Awwww! I just LOVE him!!! How cute is his tiny boy hand. Boy hands are WAAAAYYYYY different than girl hands...I should know. ;)

Give him a big ol' squeeze for me!

Heidi said...

He is such a handsome boy. Looks like his eyes are getting better too. I am glad you want to post tons of pictures. I like pictures.

I know that was a Forest Gump sounding statment but I mean it.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful little guy!!! I found you through your sister, and have enjoyed your blog!!!

Also, did I hear it is your Birthday!?!?!?! Happy Birthday! Any big plans? I hope you have a super day!

I'll be back!

Meemer said...

he is a cutie!!

i heard it was your birthday today. have a big ol' happy one!!

Anonymous said...

He is just precious. I love babies. I heard from your sister it's your birthday! I hope you havea fabulous day and eat lots of cake!

Dawnyel said...

Hey, I hope you have a happy birthday!! :)
(Your baby is a doll!)

Bilary said...

Those pictures are beautiful! He is so sweet! I love the thumb!

By the way, a little birdie mentioned it is your birthday today. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a great day. You should cuddle up to your sweet baby and just take a nice, long nap. That would be such a treat!

Courtney said...

WHat a sweet little guy. That pacifier looks huge compares to his cute tiny-ness (I love new babies)

Happy birthday!

Shelah said...

The little buckaroo is adorable! I was never successful at getting a baby to take a binky, so you're having better luck than I did.

Hope you have a great birthday! I hope you get in your fair share of birthday cake, unless you're like your insane sister who does not like birthday cake.

smart mama said...

happy birthday- what a cute boy!

Krisser said...

Happy Birthday to you!!!!!! What a very sweet little guy! Here's wishing you a wonderful day and the quick passing of time until Cowboy returns!

Nettie said...

Awwww! He is so adorable and sweet! I love that newborn look stage.

I hope the time passes quickly till your dh can return. I know from experience how hard it is to care for a newborn with your dh not around to help. Just focus on taking care of yourself and that cute little guy. Nothing else matters right now!

And Happy Birthday!

Heather said...

What a sweet little guy! Enjoy him, and have a very Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet little boy!!!

Hope your bithday is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

None of my kids liked binkies, either.

Hope you have a great birthday! Your Li'l Buckaroo is adorable.

Sonja said...

What a precious baby!! And Happy Birthday from your sister's friend :)

Melissa said...

He is so adorable, almost makes me want another one!!!!

Happy Birthday too!!

Sarah Haslem said...

You have a beautiful baby and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! i hope you have a wonderful day!

AimeeTheSuperMom said...

Happy Birthday!!!! And you have a SAWEET little guy there. Doesn't get better than that!!!

Ambrosia said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your little sweetie is adorable. Baby belly buttons just melt my heart. I hope you have a really great day.

Terri said...

Another one dropping by to admire that adorable baby!

Oh, and btw - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D

1tiredmama said...

Happy Birthday! Your little guy is so so cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh he is sooo cute. I love it when they finally lose that nasty umbilical cord. They kind of seem like an alien until that thing is gone.

I hope you have a great birthday. Sorry DH won't be there for it. Do something to spoil yourself!!! Probably like take a nap! I know how great those are when you are a new mom.

Do you remember you invited me to your birthday party once. We had artichokes (my first time ever eating one.) I was so flattered that you had invited me. I have always felt bad that I didn't bring you a present. Sorry.

Happy Birthday!!!

Alice said...

Happy Birthday Indian! Look at all the bloggy love you are getting ;). When are you going to be up to a visitor or two?

That really sucks that Cowboy is away. When does he come back?

That baby is so precious! Umbilical cords freak me out too ;). Sorry about the binki, but thumbs will work. I know some say they are bad news, but I sucked my thumb for years and I turned out alright. It didn't screw up my teeth either! :)

Heidi said...

Happy Birthday Indian!

Amy said...

Happy Birthday! Your baby is beautiful!

Kellie said...

Happy Birthday, Girl! I remembered today was your b-day, cuz it's Tyler's too! Buckaroo keeps getting cuter and cuter!

I figured out the binkie thing on Katelyn. Landon wouldn't have a thing to do with it and I hated it. Anytime you are not nursing him, stick it in his mouth. Do this consistantly for the first couple weeks and eventually he will love it! I tried a lot of different kinds of binks and Katelyn only liked the Avent 0-3 month binkies in the beginning. I found them at Target and Babies R Us. Those are still her favorite ones, but she will take a different one if they are all dirty. Good luck. They are the best things in the world!

Have a wonderful birthday!

The Rookie said...

Okay, we need to make a date. For your birthday (Happy Birfday!)...and because we needa hold that little Buckaroo! He. Is. Perfect!